
This mysterious animal came to light after a very dark and stormy (for real people) night in the small town of Berea, Ohio. Not too far from the Cleveland Browns practice facility in fact. Actually quite a distance from the facility but still in the same city. Anyways a loud “meow” was heard at the back door and upon inspection lay a hungry cat with flea infested fur and a notch missing from its ear. Behind the cat was a large tree branch that had fallen and landed on power lines from the previous night. Could this branch have fallen from being struck by lightning or could this seemingly unsophisticated cat somehow be implicated in this matter? Suspicious indeed but we will never know. The cat was fed to subdue its obnoxious begging which didn’t work because it slept daily in the same vicinity continuing to beg in hopes of scoring more luxurious pellets of byproduct. A strategy that unquestionably worked. This cat is now lazy and eats random foods. This is black cat.

– Douglas Menefee

Evil Plans

Hair today gone tomorrow